
Achie­ving more tog­e­ther -
Dyna­mics that get things moving

As our cus­to­mer, you are always at the cen­ter of ever­ything we do. As a relia­ble part­ner, we think long-term. Your suc­cess and satis­fac­tion are what dri­ve us. That is the mea­su­re of our suc­cess.

We take care of effi­ci­ent, pre­cise and smooth logi­stics pro­ces­ses so that you can con­cen­tra­te ful­ly on your core busi­ness.

We curr­ent­ly have over 80 cus­to­mers at home and abroad who count on us as a relia­ble logi­stics part­ner.

We would be hap­py to show you a few examp­les of how we can sol­ve logi­sti­cal chal­lenges for our cus­to­mers and opti­mi­ze logi­stics pro­ces­ses.

WASHO — Ful­fill­ment for the mar­ket lea­der in sus­tainable hou­se­hold pro­ducts