
Your part­ner for inte­grat­ed logis­tics solu­tions

We focus on your suc­cess.

We offer you a wide range of ser­vices along the entire process chain.
From goods receipt to ware­house logis­tics, order pro­cess­ing and ship­ping logis­tics — all-round care­free logis­tics from a sin­gle source.

Thanks to our state-of-the-art high-bay ware­house with 21,000 pal­let spaces and our tried-and-test­ed small parts high-bay ware­house with 230,000 stor­age box­es, we are equipped for your growth.

We ensure that your cus­tomers receive their ordered goods: effi­cient­ly, flex­i­bly and on time.

Our ser­vice cov­ers the entire plan­ning, imple­men­ta­tion and con­trol of the return flow of prod­ucts or mate­ri­als along your sup­ply chain.
From tak­ing back prod­ucts from the end user to recy­cling, repair, repro­cess­ing or eco­log­i­cal­ly sound dis­pos­al of goods and mate­ri­als.

Do you want to out­source your cus­tomer ser­vice?
Our cus­tomer ser­vice answers over 35,000 calls and emails every year.
We are also hap­py to look after your cus­tomers for you in three nation­al lan­guages.

Whether it’s prod­uct pho­tog­ra­phy, final assem­bly work or sewing, we take care of your wish­es and offer you a wide range of addi­tion­al ser­vices.

When qual­i­ty is not just a promise, but an oblig­a­tion

In an ever-chang­ing world where pre­ci­sion and reli­a­bil­i­ty make all the dif­fer­ence, we are com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing our ser­vices at the high­est lev­el every day.

Our qual­i­ty man­age­ment sys­tem is cer­ti­fied in accor­dance with ISO stan­dards (ISO 9001:2015).
Through reg­u­lar inter­nal and exter­nal audits, we ensure that our process­es and ser­vices always meet the high­est qual­i­ty stan­dards and are con­tin­u­ous­ly improved.

We are also com­mit­ted to com­ply­ing with the EKAS 6508 occu­pa­tion­al safe­ty guide­lines in order to ful­fill our respon­si­bil­i­ty towards our employ­ees in the area of health and safe­ty.

For us, the high­est qual­i­ty is more than just a promise, it is our dai­ly moti­va­tion for top per­for­mance.


Smart ful­fill­ment —
Every­thing from a sin­gle source

Our mod­u­lar range allows you to choose exact­ly what you need.
Fast, reli­able, cost-effi­cient and scal­able.
We solve your logis­ti­cal chal­lenges so that you can con­cen­trate ful­ly on your core busi­ness.

With us, you get every­thing from a sin­gle source.
As a full-ser­vice provider, we offer you all the ser­vices you need:

Omnichan­nel logis­tics

Do you sell your prod­ucts not only via your web store, but also via select­ed resellers? Thanks to our many years of expe­ri­ence in the retail sec­tor, we are very famil­iar with the process­es, require­ments and spe­cial fea­tures of the major Swiss retail­ers.
We guar­an­tee reli­able and punc­tu­al deliv­ery of your prod­ucts to the retail dis­tri­b­u­tion cen­ters or points of sale.

Whether online or offline, retail or end con­sumer, mul­ti­chan­nel or omnichan­nel — for us, one thing counts above all: sat­is­fied cus­tomers.


Smart ful­fill­ment —
Every­thing from a sin­gle source

Our mod­u­lar range allows you to choose exact­ly what you need.
Fast, reli­able, cost-effi­cient and scal­able.
We solve your logis­ti­cal chal­lenges so that you can con­cen­trate ful­ly on your core busi­ness.

With us, you get every­thing from a sin­gle source.
As a full-ser­vice provider, we offer you all the ser­vices you need:

Omnichan­nel logis­tics

Do you sell your prod­ucts not only via your web store, but also via select­ed resellers? Thanks to our many years of expe­ri­ence in the retail sec­tor, we are very famil­iar with the process­es, require­ments and spe­cial fea­tures of the major Swiss retail­ers. We guar­an­tee reli­able and punc­tu­al deliv­ery of your prod­ucts to the retail dis­tri­b­u­tion cen­ters or points of sale.

Whether online or offline, retail or end con­sumer, mul­ti­chan­nel or omnichan­nel — one thing counts for us above all else: sat­is­fied cus­tomers!

Pro­mo­tion logis­tics

Your adver­tis­ing mate­ri­als and pro­mo­tion­al items always in the right place at the right time

We offer a com­pre­hen­sive ser­vice pack­age as part of our mar­ket­ing ful­fill­ment ser­vice.

Mate­r­i­al logis­tics

Our first-class mate­r­i­al logis­tics ensure that your pro­mot­ers can work smooth­ly at the point of sale (POS).
We ensure that the desired pro­mo­tion­al items for your adver­tis­ing cam­paign are avail­able in the right place at the right time.

In addi­tion to POS or POP mate­r­i­al logis­tics, we also take care of the entire returns process.
This includes prepa­ra­tion, clean­ing, main­te­nance and care of your pro­mo­tion­al items and cloth­ing.

Pro­mo­tion logis­tics

Your adver­tis­ing mate­ri­als and pro­mo­tion­al items always in the right place at the right time

We offer a com­pre­hen­sive ser­vice pack­age as part of our mar­ket­ing ful­fill­ment ser­vice.

Mate­r­i­al logis­tics

Our first-class mate­r­i­al logis­tics ensure that your pro­mot­ers can work smooth­ly at the point of sale (POS).
We ensure that the desired pro­mo­tion­al items for your adver­tis­ing cam­paign are avail­able in the right place at the right time.

In addi­tion to POS or POP mate­r­i­al logis­tics, we also take care of the entire returns process.
This includes prepa­ra­tion, clean­ing, main­te­nance and care of your pro­mo­tion­al items and cloth­ing.

Work­wear logis­tics

Make sure your employ­ees are prop­er­ly dressed

With the small parts ware­house and our hang­ing gar­ment infra­struc­ture, our infra­struc­ture is ide­al­ly equipped for the stor­age, pick­ing and dis­patch of all types of work­wear.

If required, we can also car­ry out cus­tomiza­tion and repair work for you in our in-house sewing and alter­ation work­shop.

You don’t want to sim­ply dis­pose of used work­wear?
No prob­lem.
We offer refur­bish­ment ser­vices to recon­di­tion used cloth­ing and make it wear­able again.

By out­sourc­ing these spe­cial­ty logis­tics, your intral­o­gis­tics or HR man­agers can focus more on their main tasks.

Work­wear logis­tics

Make sure your employ­ees are prop­er­ly dressed

With the small parts ware­house and our hang­ing gar­ment infra­struc­ture, our infra­struc­ture is ide­al­ly equipped for the stor­age, pick­ing and dis­patch of all types of work­wear.

If required, we can also car­ry out cus­tomiza­tion and repair work for you in our in-house sewing and alter­ation work­shop.

You don’t want to sim­ply dis­pose of used work­wear?
No prob­lem.
We offer refur­bish­ment ser­vices to recon­di­tion used cloth­ing and make it wear­able again.

By out­sourc­ing these spe­cial­ty logis­tics, your intral­o­gis­tics or HR man­agers can focus more on their main tasks.

Added Ser­vices

Sim­pli­fy process­es with the all-round care­free pack­age

Using our web-based, pass­word-pro­tect­ed order­ing plat­form, your employ­ees can select the goods they need them­selves and have them con­ve­nient­ly deliv­ered to their home, work­place or planned loca­tion.

Of course, all web­shops and ERP sys­tems can be con­nect­ed to our ware­house man­age­ment soft­ware, which enables ful­ly auto­mat­ed inter­ac­tion with our sys­tems in real time.

Our cus­tomer ser­vice is avail­able in three nation­al lan­guages to ensure that all your inquiries and needs are dealt with com­pe­tent­ly.
Do you want to out­source your cus­tomer ser­vice?
We will be hap­py to sup­port you.

Thanks to our own sewing and alter­ation work­shop with pro­fes­sion­al equip­ment, pro­duc­tion orders or fin­ish­es can be car­ried out quick­ly, pro­fes­sion­al­ly and eas­i­ly at the Swiss dis­patch cen­ter.
Our team is at your dis­pos­al for indi­vid­ual adjust­ments and alter­ations, as well as for refur­bish­ing tex­tiles that have already been worn.

With our ser­vice for 2D prod­uct pho­tos through to 360° prod­uct pho­tos, we sup­port you in giv­ing your prod­ucts the best pos­si­ble pre­sen­ta­tion in your online stores.

We offer assem­bly and sim­ple fin­ish­ing ser­vices direct­ly on site at our dis­patch cen­ter to pro­vide you with a com­plete solu­tion.