
Indi­vid­ual and com­pe­tent sup­port from our
ded­i­cat­ed team

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Our employ­ees are the most impor­tant fac­tor in the suc­cess of the Swiss dis­tri­b­u­tion cen­ter.
We are proud to have a team of high­ly qual­i­fied, ded­i­cat­ed and pas­sion­ate spe­cial­ists who are com­mit­ted to you and your needs on a dai­ly basis.
Pro­fes­sion­al, flex­i­ble and reli­able.

With their know-how, many years of expe­ri­ence and great com­mit­ment, over 80 employ­ees serve our cus­tomers every day and ensure that you can focus on your core busi­ness and the expan­sion of your busi­ness.

Would you like to become part of our team?
Get in touch with us today.