Pri­va­cy poli­cy

Based on Artic­le 13 of the Swiss Fede­ral Con­sti­tu­ti­on and the data pro­tec­tion pro­vi­si­ons of the Swiss Con­fe­de­ra­ti­on (Data Pro­tec­tion Act, DSG), every per­son is entit­led to pro­tec­tion of their pri­va­cy and pro­tec­tion against misu­se of their per­so­nal data.
SVZ Schwei­zer Ver­sand­zen­trum AG takes the pro­tec­tion of your per­so­nal data very serious­ly.
We tre­at your per­so­nal data con­fi­den­ti­al­ly and in accordance with the sta­tu­to­ry data pro­tec­tion regu­la­ti­ons and this pri­va­cy poli­cy.

It is gene­ral­ly pos­si­ble to use the web­site wit­hout express­ly pro­vi­ding per­so­nal data.
Howe­ver, by using this web­site, you con­sent to the coll­ec­tion, pro­ces­sing and use of data in accordance with the fol­lo­wing descrip­ti­on.
Howe­ver, if a per­son wis­hes to make use of spe­ci­fic ser­vices via the web­site, it may be neces­sa­ry to pro­cess per­so­nal data.
If the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data is neces­sa­ry and the­re is no legal basis for such pro­ces­sing, we gene­ral­ly obtain the con­sent of the data sub­ject.

In addi­ti­on to the pro­ces­sing pur­po­ses, reci­pi­en­ts, legal bases and sto­rage peri­ods, the fol­lo­wing pri­va­cy poli­cy also informs you about your rights and the per­son respon­si­ble for your data pro­ces­sing.
This pri­va­cy poli­cy only applies to our web­site
If you are redi­rec­ted to other sites via links on our pages, plea­se inform yours­elf the­re about the respec­ti­ve hand­ling of your data.

Inqui­ries and infor­ma­ti­on can be sent by e‑mail or post to the address below.
We reser­ve the right to request a copy of your iden­ti­ty card when reque­st­ing infor­ma­ti­on.
The per­son respon­si­ble for data pro­ces­sing on this web­site is

Schwei­zer Ver­sand­zen­trum AG
Dani­el Imhof
Blu­matt­stras­se 7
CH-6162 Entlebuch

Per­so­nal data is any infor­ma­ti­on rela­ting to an iden­ti­fi­ed or iden­ti­fia­ble per­son.
A data sub­ject is a per­son about whom per­so­nal data is pro­ces­sed.
Pro­ces­sing inclu­des any hand­ling of per­so­nal data, regard­less of the means and pro­ce­du­res used, in par­ti­cu­lar the sto­rage, dis­clo­sure, pro­cu­re­ment, era­su­re, reten­ti­on, modi­fi­ca­ti­on, des­truc­tion and use of per­so­nal data.

We pro­cess per­so­nal data in accordance with Swiss data pro­tec­tion law (Data Pro­tec­tion Act, DPA).
If and inso­far as the EU GDPR is appli­ca­ble, we also pro­cess per­so­nal data on the fol­lo­wing legal bases in con­junc­tion with Art. 6 (1) EU GDPR:

  • lit.
    a) Pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data with the con­sent of the data sub­ject.
  • lit.
    b) Pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data for the per­for­mance of a con­tract with the data sub­ject and for the imple­men­ta­ti­on of cor­re­spon­ding pre-con­trac­tu­al mea­su­res.
  • lit.
    c) Pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data for com­pli­ance with a legal obli­ga­ti­on to which we are sub­ject under appli­ca­ble EU law or under appli­ca­ble law of a coun­try in which the GDPR is appli­ca­ble in who­le or in part.
  • lit.
    d) Pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data to pro­tect the vital inte­rests of the data sub­ject or ano­ther natu­ral per­son.
  • lit.
    f) pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data for the pur­po­ses of the legi­ti­ma­te inte­rests pur­sued by us or by a third par­ty, except whe­re such inte­rests are over­ridden by the fun­da­men­tal free­doms and rights and inte­rests of the data sub­ject.
    The legi­ti­ma­te inte­rests include, in par­ti­cu­lar, our busi­ness inte­rest in being able to pro­vi­de our web­site, infor­ma­ti­on secu­ri­ty, the enforce­ment of our own legal claims and com­pli­ance with Swiss law.

We pro­cess per­so­nal data for the dura­ti­on requi­red for the respec­ti­ve pur­po­se or pur­po­ses.
In the case of lon­ger-term reten­ti­on obli­ga­ti­ons due to legal and other obli­ga­ti­ons to which we are sub­ject, we rest­rict pro­ces­sing accor­din­gly.

When you visit our web­site, the brow­ser used on your device auto­ma­ti­cal­ly sends infor­ma­ti­on to the ser­ver of our web­site.
This infor­ma­ti­on is tem­po­r­a­ri­ly stored in a log file.
The fol­lo­wing infor­ma­ti­on is auto­ma­ti­cal­ly recor­ded and stored until it is dele­ted:

  • IP address,
  • Date and time of access,
  • Name and URL of the retrie­ved file,
  • Web­site from which access is made,
  • the brow­ser used and, if appli­ca­ble, the ope­ra­ting system of your com­pu­ter and the name of your access pro­vi­der.

This data is pro­ces­sed for the fol­lo­wing pur­po­ses:

  • Ensu­ring a smooth con­nec­tion to the web­site,
  • Ensu­ring con­ve­ni­ent use of the web­site.

The legal basis for data pro­ces­sing is the Swiss Data Pro­tec­tion Act (DSG).
Under no cir­cum­stances do we use the data coll­ec­ted for the pur­po­se of dra­wing con­clu­si­ons about your per­son.
In addi­ti­on, we use coo­kies and ana­ly­sis ser­vices when you visit our web­site.

Taking into account the sta­te of the art and its legal requi­re­ments, sui­ta­ble tech­ni­cal and orga­nizatio­nal mea­su­res have been taken to ensu­re an appro­pria­te level of pro­tec­tion for all per­so­nal data.

This web­site uses SSL/TLS encryp­ti­on for secu­ri­ty rea­sons and to pro­tect the trans­mis­si­on of con­fi­den­ti­al con­tent, such as requests that you send to us as the site ope­ra­tor.
You can reco­gni­ze an encrypt­ed con­nec­tion by the fact that the address line of the brow­ser chan­ges from “http://” to “https://” and by the lock sym­bol in your brow­ser line.

If SSL or TLS encryp­ti­on is acti­va­ted, the data you trans­mit to us can­not be read by third par­ties.

On our web­site, we use mar­ke­ting ser­vices (such as Lin­ke­dIn con­ver­si­on track­ing) of the social net­work Lin­ke­dIn of Lin­ke­dIn Cor­po­ra­ti­on, 2029 Stier­lin Court, Moun­tain View, CA 94043, USA, with its Euro­pean head­quar­ters at Lin­ke­dIn Ire­land Unli­mi­t­ed Com­pa­ny, Wil­ton Pla­za, Wil­ton Place, Dub­lin 2, Ire­land.
The­se use coo­kies, i.e. text files that are stored on your com­pu­ter.
This enables us to ana­ly­ze your use of the web­site.
For exam­p­le, we can mea­su­re the suc­cess of our adver­ti­sing and show users pro­ducts in which they have pre­vious­ly shown an inte­rest.
For exam­p­le, infor­ma­ti­on is coll­ec­ted about the ope­ra­ting system, the brow­ser, the pre­vious­ly visi­ted web­site (refer­rer URL), the web­sites visi­ted, the offers clicked on and the date and time of your visit to our website.the infor­ma­ti­on gene­ra­ted by the coo­kie about your use of this web­site is trans­mit­ted in pseud­ony­mous form to a Lin­ke­dIn ser­ver in the USA and stored the­re.
Lin­ke­dIn the­r­e­fo­re does not store the name or e‑mail address of the respec­ti­ve user.
Rather, the afo­re­men­tio­ned data is only assi­gned to the per­son for whom the coo­kie was gene­ra­ted.
This does not app­ly if the user has allo­wed Lin­ke­dIn to pro­cess the data wit­hout pseud­ony­mizati­on or has a Lin­ke­dIn account.

You may refu­se the use of coo­kies by sel­ec­ting the appro­pria­te set­tings on your brow­ser, howe­ver plea­se note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full func­tion­a­li­ty of this web­site.
You can also object to the use of your data direct­ly at Lin­ke­dIn:

Face­book & Insta­gram
Social plug­ins (such as Meta pixels) from Face­book and Insta­gram, ope­ra­ted by Meta Plat­forms Ire­land Limi­t­ed, 4 Grand Canal Squa­re, Grand Canal Har­bour, 462129 Dub­lin, Ire­land, are inte­gra­ted on our web­site.
If you visit a web­site that con­ta­ins a social plug­in, your brow­ser can trans­mit data about your visi­tor beha­vi­or to Meta’s ser­vers.
If you are log­ged in to Face­book or Insta­gram, they can assign the visit to our web­site direct­ly to your account crea­ted the­re.
If you do not want this data to be asso­cia­ted with your Face­book or Insta­gram account, plea­se log out of Face­book or Insta­gram befo­re visi­ting our site.
We have no influence on the type and scope of the data coll­ec­ted, trans­mit­ted and stored.
Details on the hand­ling of your per­so­nal data, your pri­va­cy and your rights in this regard can be found on the web­sites of the respec­ti­ve social net­work Face­book or Insta­gram.
You can find out more at

Goog­le Ana­ly­tics
When you visit our web­site, Goog­le Ana­ly­tics, offe­red by Goog­le Ire­land Limi­t­ed, Gor­don Hou­se, Bar­row Street, D04 E2W2, Dub­lin, Ire­land, is acti­va­ted to ana­ly­ze web­site usa­ge.
The ser­vice uses “coo­kies”, which are stored on your end device.
Howe­ver, we use IP anony­mizati­on, which shor­tens the IP address so that spe­ci­fic per­sons can­not be iden­ti­fi­ed.
As part of the order pro­ces­sing agree­ment with Goog­le Ire­land Limi­t­ed, Goog­le Ire­land Limi­t­ed uses the infor­ma­ti­on coll­ec­ted to ana­ly­ze web­site usa­ge and web­site acti­vi­ty.

You give us your con­sent to this by con­fir­ming the coo­kie request imme­dia­te­ly after acces­sing our web­site.
You have the opti­on of pre­ven­ting the sto­rage of coo­kies on your end device by making use of the opt-out opti­on or by making the appro­pria­te set­tings in your brow­ser.
Howe­ver, the­re is no gua­ran­tee that you will be able to access all func­tions of this web­site wit­hout rest­ric­tions if your brow­ser does not allow coo­kies.
You can find more infor­ma­ti­on on the use of data by Goog­le Ire­land Limi­t­ed here:

Goog­le Maps
This web­site uses Goog­le Maps.
This enables us to dis­play inter­ac­ti­ve maps direct­ly on the web­site and allo­ws you to con­ve­ni­ent­ly use the map func­tion.
When you visit the web­site, Goog­le recei­ves the infor­ma­ti­on that you have acces­sed the cor­re­spon­ding sub­page of our web­site.
This hap­pens regard­less of whe­ther Goog­le pro­vi­des a user account through which you are log­ged in or whe­ther no user account exists.
If you are log­ged in to Goog­le, your data will be assi­gned direct­ly to your account.
If you do not wish to be asso­cia­ted with your Goog­le pro­fi­le, you must log out befo­re acti­vat­ing the but­ton.
Goog­le stores your data as usa­ge pro­files and uses them for the pur­po­ses of adver­ti­sing, mar­ket rese­arch and/or the needs-based design of its web­site.
Such an eva­lua­ti­on is car­ri­ed out in par­ti­cu­lar (even for users who are not log­ged in) to pro­vi­de needs-based adver­ti­sing and to inform other users of the social net­work about your acti­vi­ties on our web­site.
You have the right to object to the crea­ti­on of the­se user pro­files, wher­eby you must cont­act Goog­le to exer­cise this right.
You can find more infor­ma­ti­on on the pur­po­se and scope of data coll­ec­tion and pro­ces­sing by Goog­le as well as fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on on your rights in this regard and set­ting opti­ons to pro­tect your pri­va­cy at:

Goog­le Ads
This web­site uses Goog­le Con­ver­si­on Track­ing.
If you have rea­ched our web­site via an ad pla­ced by Goog­le, Goog­le Ads will set a coo­kie on your com­pu­ter.
The con­ver­si­on track­ing coo­kie is set when a user clicks on an ad pla­ced by Goog­le.
The­se coo­kies lose their vali­di­ty after 30 days and are not used for per­so­nal iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on.
If the user visits cer­tain pages of our web­site and the coo­kie has not yet expi­red, we and Goog­le can reco­gni­ze that the user clicked on the ad and was redi­rec­ted to this page.
Each Goog­le Ads cus­to­mer recei­ves a dif­fe­rent coo­kie.
Coo­kies can the­r­e­fo­re not be tracked across the web­sites of Ads cus­to­mers.
The infor­ma­ti­on obtai­ned using the con­ver­si­on coo­kie is used to gene­ra­te con­ver­si­on sta­tis­tics for Ads cus­to­mers who have opted for con­ver­si­on track­ing.
Cus­to­mers are told the total num­ber of users who clicked on their ad and were redi­rec­ted to a page with a con­ver­si­on track­ing tag.
Howe­ver, they do not recei­ve any infor­ma­ti­on that can be used to per­so­nal­ly iden­ti­fy users.

If you do not wish to par­ti­ci­pa­te in track­ing, you can refu­se the set­ting of a coo­kie requi­red for this — for exam­p­le, by using a brow­ser set­ting that gene­ral­ly deac­ti­va­tes the auto­ma­tic set­ting of coo­kies or by set­ting your brow­ser to block coo­kies from the domain “”.

Plea­se note that you must not dele­te the opt-out coo­kies as long as you do not want mea­su­re­ment data to be recor­ded.
If you have dele­ted all your coo­kies in the brow­ser, you must set the respec­ti­ve opt-out coo­kie again.

If you send us inqui­ries via the cont­act form, your details from the inquiry form, inclu­ding the cont­act details you pro­vi­de the­re (such as name, address, email or tele­pho­ne num­ber), will be stored by us for the pur­po­se of pro­ces­sing the inquiry and in the event of fol­low-up que­sti­ons.
We will not pass on this data wit­hout your con­sent and will be dele­ted after pro­ces­sing has been com­ple­ted or, in the case of fur­ther busi­ness rela­ti­on­ships, trans­fer­red to our data­ba­se.

Acti­ve Cam­paign
This web­site uses the ser­vices of Acti­ve Cam­paign for sen­ding email mar­ke­ting acti­vi­ties.
The pro­vi­der is the US pro­vi­der Active­Cam­paign, LLC, 150 N. Michi­gan Ave Suite 1230, Chi­ca­go, IL, US, USA.
Acti­ve Cam­paign is a ser­vice that can be used to orga­ni­ze and eva­lua­te the sen­ding of email mar­ke­ting, among other things.
If you enter data for the pur­po­se of email mar­ke­ting (e.g. your email address), this data is stored on Acti­ve Campaign’s ser­vers in the USA.

Acti­ve Cam­paign enables us to ana­ly­ze our email mar­ke­ting cam­paigns.
When you open an email sent with Acti­ve Cam­paign, a file con­tai­ned in the email (a so-cal­led web bea­con) con­nects to Acti­ve Campaign’s ser­vers in the USA.
In this way, it can be deter­mi­ned whe­ther an email mar­ke­ting mes­sa­ge has been ope­ned and which links, if any, have been clicked on.
In addi­ti­on, tech­ni­cal infor­ma­ti­on is coll­ec­ted (e.g. time of access, IP address, brow­ser type and ope­ra­ting system).
This infor­ma­ti­on can­not be assi­gned to the respec­ti­ve e‑mail mar­ke­ting reci­pi­ent.
It is used exclu­si­ve­ly for the sta­tis­ti­cal ana­ly­sis of e‑mail mar­ke­ting cam­paigns.
The results of the­se ana­ly­ses can be used to bet­ter adapt future e‑mail mar­ke­ting acti­vi­ties to the inte­rests of the reci­pi­en­ts.

If you do not wish to be ana­ly­zed by Acti­ve Cam­paign, you must unsub­scri­be from email mar­ke­ting.
For this pur­po­se, we pro­vi­de a cor­re­spon­ding link in every email mar­ke­ting mes­sa­ge.
Data pro­ces­sing is based on your con­sent (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR).
You can with­draw this con­sent at any time by unsub­scrib­ing from email mar­ke­ting.
The lega­li­ty of the data pro­ces­sing ope­ra­ti­ons that have alre­a­dy taken place remains unaf­fec­ted by the revo­ca­ti­on.

Acti­ve Cam­paign is cer­ti­fi­ed accor­ding to the “EU-US Pri­va­cy Shield”.
The “Pri­va­cy Shield” is an agree­ment bet­ween the Euro­pean Uni­on (EU) and the USA to ensu­re com­pli­ance with Euro­pean data pro­tec­tion stan­dards in the USA.
Switz­er­land has the “CH-US Pri­va­cy Shield”.

The data that you have pro­vi­ded to us for the pur­po­se of recei­ving email mar­ke­ting acti­vi­ties will be stored by us until you unsub­scri­be from email mar­ke­ting and will be dele­ted from our ser­vers and from the ser­vers of Acti­ve Cam­paign after you unsub­scri­be.
Data stored by us for other pur­po­ses (e.g. email addres­ses for the mem­ber area) remain unaf­fec­ted by this.
Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on can be found in Acti­ve Campaign’s pri­va­cy poli­cy at:

The news­let­ter is sent via the mai­ling ser­vice pro­vi­der ‘MailChimp’, a news­let­ter mai­ling plat­form of the US pro­vi­der Rocket Sci­ence Group, LLC, 675 Pon­ce De Leon Ave NE #5000, Atlan­ta, GA 30308, USA.
You can view the pri­va­cy poli­cy of the mai­ling ser­vice pro­vi­der here.
The Rocket Sci­ence Group LLC d/b/a MailChimp is cer­ti­fi­ed under the Pri­va­cy Shield Agree­ment and thus offers a gua­ran­tee of com­pli­ance with the Euro­pean and Swiss data pro­tec­tion level.
The use of the mai­ling ser­vice pro­vi­der is based on our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rests.
The mai­ling ser­vice pro­vi­der may use the data of the reci­pi­en­ts in pseud­ony­mous form, i.e. wit­hout allo­ca­ti­on to a user, to opti­mi­ze or impro­ve its own ser­vices, e.g. for the tech­ni­cal opti­mizati­on of the mai­ling and pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the news­let­ter or for sta­tis­ti­cal pur­po­ses.
Howe­ver, the mai­ling ser­vice pro­vi­der does not use the data of our news­let­ter reci­pi­en­ts to wri­te to them its­elf or pass it on to third par­ties.

Tech­ni­cal­ly neces­sa­ry coo­kies are used on this web­site.
The­se are small text files that are stored in or by your Inter­net brow­ser on your com­pu­ter system.
Coo­kies do not cau­se any dama­ge to your end device and do not con­tain any virus­es, Tro­jans or other mal­wa­re.
Infor­ma­ti­on is stored in the coo­kie that results in each case in con­nec­tion with the spe­ci­fic end device used.
Howe­ver, this does not mean that we gain direct know­ledge of your iden­ti­ty.

Our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest is the func­tion­a­li­ty of our web­site.
The user data coll­ec­ted by tech­ni­cal­ly neces­sa­ry coo­kies is not used to crea­te user pro­files.
This safe­guards your inte­rest in data pro­tec­tion.

The tech­ni­cal­ly neces­sa­ry coo­kies are usual­ly dele­ted when the brow­ser is clo­sed.
Per­ma­nent­ly stored coo­kies have a life­span that varies from a few minu­tes to seve­ral years.

If you do not wish the­se coo­kies to be stored, plea­se deac­ti­va­te the accep­tance of the­se coo­kies in your Inter­net brow­ser.
Howe­ver, this may limit the func­tion­a­li­ty of our web­site.
You can also dele­te per­ma­nent­ly stored coo­kies at any time via your brow­ser.
Alter­na­tively, you can deac­ti­va­te or reject the coo­kie noti­ce on our web­site.
not accept it.

Cont­act form
If you send us inqui­ries via the cont­act form, your details from the inquiry form, inclu­ding the cont­act details you pro­vi­de the­re (such as sur­na­me, first name, email and tele­pho­ne num­ber), will be stored by us for the pur­po­se of pro­ces­sing the inquiry and in the event of fol­low-up que­sti­ons.
We will not pass on this data wit­hout your con­sent and will be dele­ted after pro­ces­sing has been com­ple­ted or, in the case of fur­ther busi­ness rela­ti­on­ships, trans­fer­red to our data­ba­se.

Online appoint­ments ((Calen­so))
We use the Calen­so tool (Brain­cept AG, Neu­en­kirch­stras­se 19, 6203 Sem­pach-Sta­ti­on, Switz­er­land) to book appoint­ments online.
Name, e‑mail address and, in some cases, tele­pho­ne num­ber are requi­red when boo­king appoint­ments.
The per­so­nal data pro­vi­ded to us is stored in the respec­ti­ve tools, but is not pas­sed on to third-par­ty pro­vi­ders and is dele­ted after the pur­po­se of the data sto­rage, taking into account the sta­tu­to­ry reten­ti­on obli­ga­ti­ons.
In addi­ti­on, we have con­clu­ded the order pro­ces­sing con­tract with Calen­so, for which you can find more infor­ma­ti­on at the fol­lo­wing addres­ses GDPR-com­pli­ant appoint­ment boo­king — Data pro­tec­tion | calen­so.

Online appoint­ments ((Calend­ly))
We use the tool Calend­ly (115 E Main St, Ste A1B, Buford, GA 30518) to book appoint­ments online.
Name, e‑mail address and, in some cases, tele­pho­ne num­ber are requi­red for appoint­ment boo­kings.
The per­so­nal data pro­vi­ded to us will be stored in the respec­ti­ve tools, but will not be pas­sed on to third par­ties and will be dele­ted after the pur­po­se of data sto­rage, taking into account the sta­tu­to­ry reten­ti­on obli­ga­ti­ons.
In addi­ti­on, we have con­clu­ded the order pro­ces­sing con­tract with Calend­ly, about which you can find more infor­ma­ti­on at the fol­lo­wing addres­ses: Data Pro­ces­sing Adden­dum (DPA) | Calend­ly.

Online appoint­ments ((Book­ly))
We use the tool Book­ly (Nota-Info LTD, mun. Chişinău, sec. Cen­tru, str. Ismail, 96/1 Soft Expert LTD, 18 Cool­gar­die ave, Lon­don, E4 9HP) to book appoint­ments online.
Name, e‑mail address and, in some cases, tele­pho­ne num­ber are requi­red when boo­king appoint­ments.
The per­so­nal data pro­vi­ded to us will be stored in the respec­ti­ve tools, but will not be pas­sed on to third par­ties and will be dele­ted after the pur­po­se of data sto­rage, taking into account the sta­tu­to­ry reten­ti­on obli­ga­ti­ons.

Online appoint­ments ((Shore))
We use the soft­ware shore, a tool pro­vi­ded by Shore GmbH, Rid­ler­stras­se 31, 80339 Munich, Ger­ma­ny, to book appoint­ments online.
Name, address, cont­act and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on data such as tele­pho­ne num­ber and e‑mail address are coll­ec­ted when appoint­ments are boo­ked.
If you are regi­stered with , you can access con­tent and ser­vices that are only offe­red to regi­stered users.
Regi­stered users also have the opti­on of chan­ging or dele­ting the data pro­vi­ded during regi­stra­ti­on at any time.
The per­so­nal data pro­vi­ded to us will be stored in the respec­ti­ve tools, but will not be pas­sed on to third par­ties and will be dele­ted after the pur­po­se of data sto­rage, taking into account the sta­tu­to­ry reten­ti­on obli­ga­ti­ons.
Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on can be found at:

Below we inform you about the coll­ec­tion of per­so­nal data when sen­ding in an appli­ca­ti­on.
We use the per­so­nal data pro­vi­ded exclu­si­ve­ly to pro­cess your appli­ca­ti­on docu­ments for pre-con­trac­tu­al mea­su­res on the basis of a vol­un­t­a­ry request.
In order to pro­cess and respond to decis­i­ons, we requi­re your per­so­nal details such as sur­na­me, first name, place of resi­dence, date of birth, e‑mail address and tele­pho­ne num­ber.
No other data is coll­ec­ted and pro­ces­sed in Switz­er­land.

If an appli­ca­ti­on is not con­side­red, the per­so­nal data will be dele­ted from our systems 30 days after the posi­ti­on has been fil­led.
In the event of con­side­ra­ti­on or employment, the appli­ca­ti­on docu­ments will be stored in accordance with the sta­tu­to­ry reten­ti­on obli­ga­ti­ons.

Ent­le­bu­cher Medi­en­haus AG con­ducts online quiz­zes based on the appli­ca­ti­on from ste­reo­sen­se GmbH, Guss­haus­stras­se 15/8, 1040 Vien­na, Austria. If you take part in an online quiz, per­so­nal data such as your first name, sur­na­me, e‑mail address, tele­pho­ne num­ber, address, coo­kies and IP address will be pas­sed on to You can unsub­scri­be from recei­ving any or all com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons from by fol­lo­wing the unsub­scri­be link or ins­truc­tions inclu­ded in each email. Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on can be found at: Pri­va­cy Poli­cy |

Pri­ce cal­cu­la­ti­on
You can car­ry out pri­ce cal­cu­la­ti­ons for various pro­ducts on our web­site, which is based on the appli­ca­ti­on from ste­reo­sen­se GmbH, Guss­haus­stras­se 15/8, 1040 Vien­na, Austria. If a cal­cu­la­ti­on is car­ri­ed out, per­so­nal data such as first name, sur­na­me, e‑mail, tele­pho­ne num­ber, address, coo­kies and IP address are pas­sed on to You can unsub­scri­be from recei­ving indi­vi­du­al or all com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons from by fol­lo­wing the unsub­scri­be link or ins­truc­tions inclu­ded in each email. Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on can be found at: Pri­va­cy Poli­cy |

Data trans­fers
The Next­Cloud soft­ware from Next­cloud GmbH, Haupt­manns­reu­te 44a, 70192 Stutt­gart, Ger­ma­ny, is used to exch­an­ge data.
The soft­ware only com­mu­ni­ca­tes with the Next­cloud ser­vers of Ent­le­bu­cher Medi­en­haus AG and does not send any per­so­nal data to other, exter­nal ser­vers.
The ser­vers com­mu­ni­ca­te with each other, for exam­p­le to retrie­ve update infor­ma­ti­on or send push noti­fi­ca­ti­ons, but no per­so­nal data of the users is trans­mit­ted.
Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on can be found at: Pri­va­cy — Next­cloud

Audio and video con­fe­ren­cing
We use audio and video con­fe­ren­cing ser­vices to com­mu­ni­ca­te with our users and others.
In par­ti­cu­lar, we can use them to con­duct audio and video con­fe­ren­ces, vir­tu­al mee­tings and trai­ning ses­si­ons.
We only use ser­vices for which an appro­pria­te level of data pro­tec­tion is gua­ran­teed.
In addi­ti­on to this pri­va­cy poli­cy, the terms and con­di­ti­ons of the ser­vices used, such as terms of use or pri­va­cy poli­ci­es, also app­ly.

In par­ti­cu­lar, we use Micro­soft Teams, a ser­vice pro­vi­ded by the Ame­ri­can soft­ware manu­fac­tu­rer Micro­soft Corp., Red­mond, USA, with its Swiss branch Micro­soft Schweiz GmbH, The Cir­cle, 8058 Zurich Air­port. Micro­soft also grants users in Switz­er­land the rights under the Euro­pean Gene­ral Data Pro­tec­tion Regu­la­ti­on (EU GDPR). Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on on the type, scope and pur­po­se of data pro­ces­sing can be found in Microsoft’s pri­va­cy poli­cy and on the “Legal pro­vi­si­ons and data pro­tec­tion” page.
We also use GoTo Mee­ting, an online mee­ting soft­ware from GoTo Tech­no­lo­gies Ire­land Unli­mi­t­ed Com­pa­ny, The Reflec­tor, 10 Hano­ver Quay, Dublin2.
If you do not want the infor­ma­ti­on coll­ec­ted by GoTo Mee­ting to be used to pro­vi­de you with tar­ge­ted adver­ti­sing, you can unsub­scri­be at the fol­lo­wing link: -
Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on on the type, scope and pur­po­se of data pro­ces­sing can be found at:

If your per­so­nal data is pro­ces­sed, you are the data sub­ject and you have the fol­lo­wing rights vis-à-vis the con­trol­ler:

Right to infor­ma­ti­on
You can request con­fir­ma­ti­on from the con­trol­ler as to whe­ther per­so­nal data con­cer­ning you is being pro­ces­sed.
If such pro­ces­sing is taking place, you can request the fol­lo­wing infor­ma­ti­on from the con­trol­ler:

  1. the pur­po­ses for which the per­so­nal data is pro­ces­sed;
  2. the cate­go­ries of per­so­nal data that are pro­ces­sed;
  3. the reci­pi­en­ts or cate­go­ries of reci­pi­en­ts to whom the per­so­nal data con­cer­ning you have been or will be dis­c­lo­sed;
  4. the plan­ned dura­ti­on of sto­rage of the per­so­nal data con­cer­ning you or, if spe­ci­fic infor­ma­ti­on on this is not pos­si­ble, cri­te­ria for deter­mi­ning the dura­ti­on of sto­rage;
  5. the exi­stence of a right to rec­ti­fi­ca­ti­on or era­su­re of per­so­nal data con­cer­ning you, a right to rest­ric­tion of pro­ces­sing by the con­trol­ler or a right to object to such pro­ces­sing;
  6. the exi­stence of a right of appeal to a super­vi­so­ry aut­ho­ri­ty;
  7. all available infor­ma­ti­on about the ori­gin of the data if the per­so­nal data is not coll­ec­ted from the data sub­ject;
  8. the exi­stence of auto­ma­ted decis­i­on-making, inclu­ding pro­fil­ing and, at least in the­se cases, meaning­ful infor­ma­ti­on about the logic invol­ved, as well as the signi­fi­can­ce and the envi­sa­ged con­se­quen­ces of such pro­ces­sing for the data sub­ject.

You have the right to request infor­ma­ti­on as to whe­ther the per­so­nal data con­cer­ning you will be trans­fer­red to a third coun­try or to an inter­na­tio­nal orga­nizati­on.
In this con­text, you may request to be infor­med about the appro­pria­te safe­guards in con­nec­tion with the trans­fer.

Right to rec­ti­fi­ca­ti­on
You have a right to rec­ti­fi­ca­ti­on and/or com­ple­ti­on vis-à-vis the con­trol­ler if the pro­ces­sed per­so­nal data con­cer­ning you is incor­rect or incom­ple­te.
The con­trol­ler must make the cor­rec­tion wit­hout delay.

Right to rest­ric­tion of pro­ces­sing
Under the fol­lo­wing con­di­ti­ons, you can request that the pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data be rest­ric­ted:

  1. if you con­test the accu­ra­cy of the per­so­nal data con­cer­ning you for a peri­od enab­ling the con­trol­ler to veri­fy the accu­ra­cy of the per­so­nal data;
  2. the pro­ces­sing is unlawful and you refu­se the era­su­re of the per­so­nal data and instead request the rest­ric­tion of the use of the per­so­nal data;
  3. the con­trol­ler no lon­ger needs the per­so­nal data for the pur­po­ses of the pro­ces­sing, but you need them for the estab­lish­ment, exer­cise or defen­se of legal claims, or
  4. if you have objec­ted to the pro­ces­sing and it has not yet been deter­mi­ned whe­ther the legi­ti­ma­te rea­sons of the con­trol­ler out­weigh your rea­sons.

If the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data con­cer­ning you has been rest­ric­ted, this data — apart from its sto­rage — may only be pro­ces­sed with your con­sent or for the estab­lish­ment, exer­cise or defen­se of legal claims or for the pro­tec­tion of the rights of ano­ther natu­ral or legal per­son or for rea­sons of important public inte­rest of the Uni­on or of a Mem­ber Sta­te.
If the rest­ric­tion of pro­ces­sing has been rest­ric­ted in accordance with the abo­ve con­di­ti­ons, you will be infor­med by the con­trol­ler befo­re the rest­ric­tion is lifted.

Right to era­su­re

Obli­ga­ti­on to era­se

You have the right to obtain from the con­trol­ler the era­su­re of per­so­nal data con­cer­ning you wit­hout undue delay and the con­trol­ler has the obli­ga­ti­on to era­se this data wit­hout undue delay whe­re one of the fol­lo­wing grounds applies:

  1. The per­so­nal data con­cer­ning you are no lon­ger neces­sa­ry for the pur­po­ses for which they were coll­ec­ted or other­wi­se pro­ces­sed.
  2. You with­draw your con­sent on which the pro­ces­sing was based and the­re is no other legal basis for the pro­ces­sing.
  3. You object to the pro­ces­sing and the­re are no over­ri­ding legi­ti­ma­te grounds for the pro­ces­sing.
  4. Your per­so­nal data has been pro­ces­sed unlawful­ly.
  5. The dele­ti­on of per­so­nal data con­cer­ning you is neces­sa­ry to ful­fill a legal obli­ga­ti­on under the law to which the con­trol­ler is sub­ject.
  6. The per­so­nal data con­cer­ning you was coll­ec­ted in rela­ti­on to infor­ma­ti­on socie­ty ser­vices offe­red.

Infor­ma­ti­on to third par­ties
If the con­trol­ler has made the per­so­nal data con­cer­ning you public and is obli­ged to era­se it, the con­trol­ler, taking account of available tech­no­lo­gy and the cost of imple­men­ta­ti­on, shall take rea­sonable steps, inclu­ding tech­ni­cal mea­su­res, to inform con­trol­lers which are pro­ces­sing the per­so­nal data that you as the data sub­ject have reque­sted the era­su­re by such con­trol­lers of any links to, or copy or repli­ca­ti­on of, this per­so­nal data.

The right to era­su­re does not app­ly if the pro­ces­sing is neces­sa­ry

  1. to exer­cise the right to free­dom of expres­si­on and infor­ma­ti­on;
  2. for com­pli­ance with a legal obli­ga­ti­on which requi­res pro­ces­sing by law to which the con­trol­ler is sub­ject or for the per­for­mance of a task car­ri­ed out in the public inte­rest or in the exer­cise of offi­ci­al aut­ho­ri­ty vested in the con­trol­ler;
  3. for rea­sons of public inte­rest;
  4. for archi­ving pur­po­ses in the public inte­rest, sci­en­ti­fic or histo­ri­cal rese­arch pur­po­ses or sta­tis­ti­cal pur­po­ses in so far as it is likely to ren­der impos­si­ble or serious­ly impair the achie­ve­ment of the objec­ti­ves of that pro­ces­sing, or
  5. for the asser­ti­on, exer­cise or defen­se of legal claims.

Right to infor­ma­ti­on
If you have asser­ted the right to rec­ti­fi­ca­ti­on, era­su­re or rest­ric­tion of pro­ces­sing against the con­trol­ler, the con­trol­ler is obli­ged to noti­fy all reci­pi­en­ts to whom the per­so­nal data con­cer­ning you have been dis­c­lo­sed of this rec­ti­fi­ca­ti­on or era­su­re of the data or rest­ric­tion of pro­ces­sing, unless this pro­ves impos­si­ble or invol­ves a dis­pro­por­tio­na­te effort.

You have the right to be infor­med about the­se reci­pi­en­ts by the con­trol­ler.

Right to data por­ta­bi­li­ty
You have the right to recei­ve the per­so­nal data con­cer­ning you, which you have pro­vi­ded to the con­trol­ler, in a struc­tu­red, com­mon­ly used and machi­ne-rea­da­ble for­mat.
You also have the right to trans­mit this data to ano­ther con­trol­ler wit­hout hin­drance from the con­trol­ler to which the per­so­nal data has been pro­vi­ded, whe­re

  1. the pro­ces­sing is based on con­sent or on a con­tract and
  2. the pro­ces­sing is car­ri­ed out using auto­ma­ted pro­ce­du­res.

In exer­cis­ing this right, you also have the right to have the per­so­nal data con­cer­ning you trans­mit­ted direct­ly from one con­trol­ler to ano­ther, inso­far as this is tech­ni­cal­ly fea­si­ble.
The free­doms and rights of other per­sons must not be impai­red by this.

The right to data por­ta­bi­li­ty does not app­ly to the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data neces­sa­ry for the per­for­mance of a task car­ri­ed out in the public inte­rest or in the exer­cise of offi­ci­al aut­ho­ri­ty vested in the con­trol­ler.

Right to object
You have the right to object at any time, on grounds rela­ting to your par­ti­cu­lar situa­ti­on, to the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data con­cer­ning you; this also applies to pro­fil­ing based on the­se pro­vi­si­ons.

The con­trol­ler will no lon­ger pro­cess the per­so­nal data con­cer­ning you unless the con­trol­ler demon­stra­tes com­pel­ling legi­ti­ma­te grounds for the pro­ces­sing which over­ri­de your inte­rests, rights and free­doms or for the estab­lish­ment, exer­cise or defen­se of legal claims.

In con­nec­tion with the use of infor­ma­ti­on socie­ty ser­vices, you have the opti­on of exer­cis­ing your right to object by means of auto­ma­ted pro­ce­du­res that use tech­ni­cal spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons.

Right to revo­ke the decla­ra­ti­on of con­sent under data pro­tec­tion law
You have the right to revo­ke your decla­ra­ti­on of con­sent under data pro­tec­tion law at any time.
The with­dra­wal of con­sent shall not affect the lawful­ness of pro­ces­sing based on con­sent befo­re its with­dra­wal.

Auto­ma­ted decis­i­on-making in indi­vi­du­al cases, inclu­ding pro­fil­ing
You have the right not to be sub­ject to a decis­i­on based sole­ly on auto­ma­ted pro­ces­sing, inclu­ding pro­fil­ing, which pro­du­ces legal effects con­cer­ning you or simi­lar­ly signi­fi­cant­ly affects you.
This does not app­ly if the decis­i­on

  1. is neces­sa­ry for the con­clu­si­on or per­for­mance of a con­tract bet­ween you and the con­trol­ler,
  2. is per­mis­si­ble on the basis of legal pro­vi­si­ons to which the con­trol­ler is sub­ject and the­se legal pro­vi­si­ons con­tain appro­pria­te mea­su­res to safe­guard your rights and free­doms and your legi­ti­ma­te inte­rests, or
  3. with your express con­sent.

Howe­ver, the­se decis­i­ons may not be based on spe­cial cate­go­ries of per­so­nal data unless appro­pria­te mea­su­res have been taken to pro­tect the rights and free­doms and your legi­ti­ma­te inte­rests.

In the cases refer­red to in (1) and (3), the data con­trol­ler shall imple­ment sui­ta­ble mea­su­res to safe­guard your rights and free­doms and legi­ti­ma­te inte­rests, at least the right to obtain human inter­ven­ti­on on the part of the con­trol­ler, to express your point of view and to con­test the decis­i­on.

Right to lodge a com­plaint with a super­vi­so­ry aut­ho­ri­ty
Wit­hout pre­ju­di­ce to any other admi­ni­stra­ti­ve or judi­cial reme­dy, you have the right to lodge a com­plaint with a super­vi­so­ry aut­ho­ri­ty, in par­ti­cu­lar in the Mem­ber Sta­te of your habi­tu­al resi­dence, place of work or place of the alle­ged inf­rin­ge­ment if you con­sider that the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data rela­ting to you inf­rin­ges the Swiss Data Pro­tec­tion Act or the GDPR.
The super­vi­so­ry aut­ho­ri­ty with which the com­plaint has been lodged will inform the com­plainant of the sta­tus and out­co­me of the com­plaint, inclu­ding the pos­si­bi­li­ty of a judi­cial reme­dy.

We pro­cess and store your per­so­nal data for as long as is neces­sa­ry for the ful­fill­ment of our con­trac­tu­al and legal obli­ga­ti­ons or other­wi­se for the pur­po­ses pur­sued with the pro­ces­sing, i.e., for exam­p­le, for the dura­ti­on of the enti­re busi­ness rela­ti­on­ship (from the initia­ti­on, pro­ces­sing to the ter­mi­na­ti­on of a con­tract) as well as bey­ond that in accordance with the sta­tu­to­ry reten­ti­on and docu­men­ta­ti­on obli­ga­ti­ons.
It is pos­si­ble that per­so­nal data will be stored for the peri­od in which claims can be asser­ted against Schwei­zer Ver­sand­zen­trum AG and inso­far as we are other­wi­se legal­ly obli­ged to do so or legi­ti­ma­te busi­ness inte­rests requi­re this (e.g. for evi­dence and docu­men­ta­ti­on pur­po­ses).
As soon as your per­so­nal data is no lon­ger requi­red for the abo­ve-men­tio­ned pur­po­ses, it will be dele­ted or anony­mi­zed as far as pos­si­ble.
For ope­ra­tio­nal data (e.g. system pro­to­cols, logs), shorter reten­ti­on peri­ods of twel­ve months or less gene­ral­ly app­ly.

Per­so­nal data may be trans­fer­red or dis­c­lo­sed to third-par­ty com­pa­nies.
In such cases, we always com­ply with the legal requi­re­ments and always con­clude cor­re­spon­ding order pro­ces­sing con­tracts in advan­ce, which gua­ran­tee the pro­tec­tion of all trans­fer­red per­so­nal data, just as it is pro­tec­ted by our com­pa­ny.
If data is trans­fer­red to third-par­ty pro­vi­ders, we will always cont­act and inform you in advan­ce.

If per­so­nal data is pro­ces­sed in a third coun­try or trans­fer­red to a third coun­try, this is always and only done in accordance with the legal requi­re­ments.
A third coun­try is under­s­tood to be a coun­try out­side the Euro­pean Uni­on or the Euro­pean Eco­no­mic Area.
Sub­ject to express con­sent or trans­fer requi­red by con­tract or law, our com­pa­ny will only pro­cess your per­so­nal data in third count­ries with a reco­gni­zed level of data pro­tec­tion, con­trac­tu­al obli­ga­ti­on through stan­dard pro­tec­tion clau­ses of the EU or in the pre­sence of cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­ons.

Appli­ca­ti­ons and tools from com­pa­nies based in the USA may be inte­gra­ted on our web­site.
The­se may auto­ma­ti­cal­ly trans­fer your per­so­nal data to ser­vers in the USA.
We would the­r­e­fo­re like to point out that the USA is not a safe third coun­try within the mea­ning of Swiss and Euro­pean data pro­tec­tion law.
Com­pa­nies based in the USA are obli­ged to hand over per­so­nal data to aut­ho­ri­ties on request, wit­hout you as the data sub­ject being able to take legal action against this.
As a com­pa­ny, we also have no influence on the­se pro­ces­sing acti­vi­ties, but we ensu­re that all rele­vant con­tracts have been issued or obtai­ned.
have been obtai­ned.

All infor­ma­ti­on on this web­site has been checked careful­ly and to the best of our know­ledge and belief.
Our com­pa­ny con­stant­ly endea­vors to keep all infor­ma­ti­on cor­rect, com­ple­te and up-to-date.
Nevert­hel­ess, errors can occur and can­not be com­ple­te­ly ruled out.
We the­r­e­fo­re assu­me no gua­ran­tee for the cor­rect­ness, com­ple­ten­ess and topi­cal­i­ty of all infor­ma­ti­on on this home­page.
Lia­bi­li­ty claims ari­sing from mate­ri­al or imma­te­ri­al dama­ge of any kind cau­sed by the use of the infor­ma­ti­on pro­vi­ded are exclu­ded, unless the­re is evi­dence of willful intent or gross negli­gence.
Access to our home­page is at the user’s own risk and all respon­si­ble par­ties are not respon­si­ble for dama­ges, such as direct, indi­rect or acci­den­tal dama­ges as well as con­se­quen­ti­al dama­ges, which are alle­gedly cau­sed by visi­ting the home­page.
No lia­bi­li­ty is assu­med for this.

If you have any fur­ther que­sti­ons about the pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data, you are wel­co­me to send your request to the data pro­tec­tion offi­cer.
The data pro­tec­tion offi­cer can be cont­ac­ted at
For secu­ri­ty rea­sons, appro­pria­te mea­su­res may be taken to veri­fy your iden­ti­ty.

Due to the fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment of the web­site and ser­vices or due to chan­ges in legal or regu­la­to­ry requi­re­ments, it may be neces­sa­ry to chan­ge this pri­va­cy poli­cy at any time and wit­hout pri­or noti­ce.

This pri­va­cy poli­cy was last updated on 17.05.2024.