
From a tra­di­tio­nal busi­ness to a high-tech logi­stics com­pa­ny

The histo­ri­cal ori­g­ins of the Swiss mail order cen­ter date back to the 19th cen­tu­ry.
Initi­al­ly foun­ded as a pro­duc­tion and tra­ding com­pa­ny for tex­ti­les, the pre­de­ces­sor com­pa­ny “Acker­mann Ver­sand­haus AG” expe­ri­en­ced its heyday from the 1960s to the 1990s.
The cons­truc­tion and com­mis­sio­ning of the high-per­for­mance logi­stics cen­ter in 1997 laid the foun­da­ti­on for today’s SVZ Schwei­zer Ver­sand­zen­trum AG.
Thanks to entre­pre­neu­ri­al spi­rit, fore­sight and visio­na­ry ide­as, SVZ beca­me what it is today — a high­ly tech­no­lo­gi­cal and lea­ding Swiss ser­vice pro­vi­der with full-ser­vice logi­stics.


The first mail order com­pa­ny in Switz­er­land

The mil­li­ner and tail­or Johann Acher­mann foun­ded a fac­to­ry for pro­ces­sing and finis­hing tex­ti­les in 1843.
The busi­ness is con­tin­ued by the fami­ly until 1900, when two of his grand­sons open “Gebrü­der Acker­mann — Fabri­ka­ti­on und Han­del mit Tuch­wa­ren” on Bahn­hofstras­se in Entlebuch.
This com­pa­ny is ente­red in the com­mer­cial regi­ster as the first mail-order com­pa­ny in Switz­er­land.
The two brot­hers start ship­ping tex­ti­le goods.
The expan­si­on of mail-order acti­vi­ties is faci­li­ta­ted by the ope­ning of the Lucer­ne — Lang­nau — Ber­ne rail­road line in 1875 and the rapid expan­si­on of the postal ser­vice.


Acker­mann moves to its cur­rent loca­ti­on at Entlebuch rail­road sta­ti­on

A pha­se of expan­si­on beg­ins with the cons­truc­tion and occu­pa­ti­on of a new warehou­se and sales out­let.
At this time, 40 employees are alre­a­dy working for the mail order com­pa­ny.
The logi­sti­cal con­nec­tion to the rail­road tracks is of cen­tral importance until the end of the cen­tu­ry.

1955 to 1970

Expan­si­on in three stages and doubling of capa­ci­ty

The mail order busi­ness expe­ri­en­ced its first heyday in the 1960s and 1970s.
The expan­si­on of the postal logi­stics net­work and, abo­ve all, the eco­no­mic upturn after the Second World War allo­wed shop­ping from the cata­log to flou­rish.
In 1960, “Gebrü­der Acker­mann” is ren­a­med “Acker­mann Ver­sand­haus AG”.
During this pha­se, sales increa­se from 1.5 to over 60 mil­li­on Swiss francs.


Manage­ment buy-out

The brot­hers Karl and Alfred Acker­mann sell their shares in the com­pa­ny to a com­mit­ted trio of mana­gers with a clear vision: to trans­form the Acker­mann mail order com­pa­ny from the num­ber 3 at the time to the num­ber 1 in Switz­er­land.
High­ly indeb­ted at high inte­rest rates but with good ide­as, the young mana­gers suc­cessful­ly laun­ched the “tur­n­around” mis­si­on.
A cata­log in book for­mat, sales on account instead of pre­payment, inter­na­tio­nal pro­cu­re­ment and pro­duct ran­ge diver­si­fi­ca­ti­on form the new basis for the sub­se­quent second heyday, which lasts until the late 1990s.


Take­over of Acker­mann Ver­sand­haus AG by Cor­ne­liu Sfin­tesco

From 1982, Cor­ne­liu Sfin­tesco beco­mes the sole owner of the Acker­mann mail order com­pa­ny.
Under his lea­der­ship, Acker­mann beco­mes the lar­gest mail-order com­pa­ny in Switz­er­land and is pre­sent in all parts of the coun­try with its own chain of stores.


Take­over of the saw­mill and pla­ning mill “ECO AG” by Acker­mann Ver­sand­haus AG

The Acker­mann mail order com­pa­ny con­ti­nues to expand.
Over 220 mil­li­on in sales are now gene­ra­ted with 600 employees and 2.5 mil­li­on par­cels are sent to Swiss hou­se­holds every year.

Due to the con­ti­nuing expan­si­on, the saw­mill and pla­ning mill “ECO AG” is taken over in 1991, with ply­wood pro­duc­tion giving way to a grand vision as ear­ly as 1993.


Ground­brea­king cerem­o­ny for the cons­truc­tion of the Swiss dis­tri­bu­ti­on cen­ter

The vision of “Acker­mann, the mail order com­pa­ny for the Alpi­ne regi­on”, in which sou­thern Ger­ma­ny, Austria, nor­t­hern Ita­ly and eastern France are to be ser­ved and sup­plied from Entlebuch in addi­ti­on to Switz­er­land, gives the go-ahead for the lar­gest pro­ject in the company’s histo­ry — the cons­truc­tion of a high-per­for­mance mail order cen­ter costing 120 mil­li­on Swiss francs.


Ope­ning of Europe’s most modern logi­stics cen­ter

After three years of cons­truc­tion, Europe’s most modern logi­stics cen­ter is offi­ci­al­ly ope­ned.
A mile­stone in the (par­ti­al­ly) auto­ma­ted pro­ces­sing of ship­ping ser­vices.

With the mail-order com­pa­ny Charles Veil­lon SA, the num­ber 2 in Switz­er­land at the time can also be acqui­red, which also relo­ca­tes its mail-order acti­vi­ties to the Entlebuch site from 2004.
This increa­ses the capa­ci­ty uti­lizati­on of the faci­li­ties and impro­ves pro­fi­ta­bi­li­ty.


Inde­pen­dent AG “SVZ Schwei­zer Ver­sand­zen­trum AG”

In 2001, “SVZ Schwei­zer Ver­sand­zen­trum AG” is foun­ded as an inde­pen­dent logi­stics ser­vice pro­vi­der, lay­ing the foun­da­ti­on for today’s renow­ned address for ful­fill­ment logi­stics.

Over the years, in addi­ti­on to the mail order com­pa­ny Veil­lon, which has sin­ce mer­ged with Acker­mann, other cus­to­mers can also be acqui­red for mail order ser­vices.


Sale of the Acker­mann brand

After the mail-order com­pa­ny Veil­lon cea­sed its mail-order acti­vi­ties in 2005, Acker­mann was the last inde­pen­dent Swiss mail-order com­pa­ny to cea­se tra­ding in 2006.
The ear­lier “No” to the EEA had fun­da­men­tal­ly chan­ged the situa­ti­on and future pro­s­pects of mail order com­pa­nies in Switz­er­land.
Pres­su­re from other Euro­pean count­ries and the tech­no­lo­gi­cal leap trig­ge­red by the advent of the Inter­net made it impos­si­ble to ope­ra­te pro­fi­ta­b­ly.

The “Acker­mann” brand is taken over by Quel­le AG Ger­ma­ny and later by Quel­le Austria and still exists today.

From then on, “SVZ Schwei­zer Ver­sand­zen­trum AG” focu­ses exclu­si­ve­ly on ful­fill­ment logi­stics for third par­ties.
The first well-known cus­to­mers are soon acqui­red and the com­pa­ny quick­ly estab­lishes an excel­lent repu­ta­ti­on in the Swiss logi­stics land­scape thanks to its out­stan­ding ser­vice qua­li­ty and high level of fle­xi­bi­li­ty.


Retro­fit of auto­ma­ted high-bay warehou­se for small parts

The initi­al suc­ces­ses and gro­wing demand justi­fy the invest­ment in a retro­fit of the exi­sting systems after just three years.
In this con­text, the exi­sting small parts high-bay warehou­se with its appro­xi­m­ate­ly 230,000 con­tai­ners can be put back into ope­ra­ti­on.
Various systems are dis­mant­led and con­ver­ted and new, fle­xi­ble sto­rage are­as are crea­ted for the for­th­co­ming rapid growth.


Com­mis­sio­ning of new high-bay warehou­se with 21,000 pal­let spaces

Eight years later, the logi­stics depart­ment is alre­a­dy report­ing the first space pro­blems and so plan­ning beg­ins for ano­ther modern and effi­ci­ent high-bay warehou­se: a ful­ly auto­ma­ted high-bay pal­let warehou­se with 21,000 pal­let spaces, 1,000 of which are direct­ly acces­si­ble via picking sta­ti­ons.
The warehou­se has 8 picking ais­les spread over 2 levels and offers a total of 966 picking sta­ti­ons.
The buil­ding can final­ly be put into ope­ra­ti­on in 2021.
Ano­ther logi­sti­cal high­light of this size and fle­xi­bi­li­ty.


Part­ner for around 80 cus­to­mers and employer for 80 employees

Today, SVZ Schwei­zer Ver­sand­zen­trum AG offers all-round care­free logi­stics with around 80 employees and a high-tech infras­truc­tu­re at its Entlebuch site.
As a proud logi­stics part­ner to around 80 well-known cus­to­mers from the e‑commerce, retail, con­su­mer goods, clot­hing and phar­maceu­ti­cal sec­tors, SVZ Schwei­zer Ver­sand­zen­trum AG pro­ces­ses over 1,000,000 orders a year and stores around 80,000 dif­fe­rent items with a good 10,000,000 parts.