125 years cel­e­brat­ed at SVZ Schweiz­er Ver­sandzen­trum AG and Busi­ness­park Aentle­buch AG

On Octo­ber 18, 2024, SVZ Schweiz­er Ver­sandzen­trum AG and Busi­ness­park Aentle­buch AG cel­e­brat­ed a proud 125 years of com­pa­ny loy­al­ty.

In this fes­tive set­ting, sev­en long-serv­ing employ­ees were hon­ored for their loy­al­ty and tire­less com­mit­ment over the past 10 to 35 years. The Exec­u­tive Board and the Board of Direc­tors would like to thank the long-serv­ing employ­ees for their many years of loy­al­ty to the com­pa­ny and their day-to-day com­mit­ment.

The jubi­lar­i­ans (from left):

  • Timo Schütz (10 years of ser­vice)
  • Daniel Theil­er (10 years of ser­vice)
  • Ver­e­na Wespi (20 years of ser­vice)
  • Ruth Thal­mann (20 years of ser­vice)
  • Toni Singh (35 years of ser­vice)
  • Pera­mala Ushankan (20 years of ser­vice)
  • Adri­an Sfin­tesco (10 years of ser­vice)

received a gift as a token of thanks and appre­ci­a­tion

125 years cel­e­brat­ed at SVZ Schweiz­er Ver­sandzen­trum AG and Busi­ness­park Aentle­buch AG